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1a空間 實習生計劃 2020

1a space Internship Programme 2020



2020年,1a空間舉辦了2輪實習生計劃,共招聘了11位實習生。實習生除了協助1a空間團隊日常的行政工作、展覽佈置和後勤工作外,也能參與籌備1a空間多個當代藝術展覽,與國際藝術家交流,例如《Museum of Half Truths》、《超越物質》、《藝薈香港 — 由巴塞爾藝術展呈獻》等。


As an independent art institution and venue in Hong Kong, 1a space has provided training and internship opportunities to local university students and fresh graduates with strong interest in working professionally in the contemporary art since 2010. The internship scheme allows the interns to work closely with 1a space team to experience and learn about the daily operation of independent art space, which they can gain practical working experience in the art field for their future career.


In 2020, 1a space has held 2 rounds of internship programmes and recruited 11 interns in total. Apart from assisting the daily administrative duties, exhibition set up and logistics, 1a space interns also participated in the preparation and execution of various Contemporary Art Project, exchange ideas with international curators and artists, including “Museum of Half Truths”, “Beyond Matter”, “Hong Kong Spotlights by Art Basel”, etc.

1a空間 X 嶺南大學暑期實習生計劃2020

1a space X Lingnan University Summer Internship Programme 2020

May 2020 – Sep 2020



劉嘉汶 Lau Ka Man, Carmen

李廷灝 Lee Ting Ho, James

孫凱柔 Suen Hoi Yau, Clarissa

曾銀芳 Tsang Ngan Fong, Dorothy

姚佩珊 Io Pui Shan, Ina

施曉穎 Sze Hiu Wing, Ann


同期實習生 Intern under the same internship period:

韓嘉怡 Hon Ka Yi, Karry*


參與活動包括 Participating events include:

  • 共想實驗:土瓜灣社區客廳成果展Participatory Public Lab: To Kwa Wan Community Dining Room Project Exhibition

  • Redux

  • Museum of Half Truths

Artist sharing by Choi Yan Chi, co-found


Artist sharing by Choi Yan Chi, co-founder of 1a space

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1a space team visited artist studio and assisted in artist interview shooting

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Intern assisted in exhibition set up

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Group photo of interns

1a空間實習生計劃 2020-2021

1a space Internship Programme 2020-2021

Sep 2020 – Feb 2021


孫慧芹 Sun Wai Kan, Anita

曾葆琳 Tsang Po Lam, Grace

凌詠雅 Ling Wing Nga, Gloria

陳穎欣 Chan Wing Yan, Vivian


參與活動包括 Participating events include:

  • 超越物質 Beyond Matter

  • 正 | 在 | 空間Hiddenfromview

  • Post-Digital Materiality

  • 青年藝術及文化管理人才培育計劃

  • 藝薈香港 — 由巴塞爾藝術展呈獻Hong Kong Spotlights by Art Basel

  • 無聲之聲Silent Voices

  • 銀呀!部落侵略者Infection invader

  • 重「見」重「建」——土瓜灣有個展 Reunion in Renewal

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Intern assisted “infection invader” exhibition set up

Group photo after Beyond Matter


Group photo of interns and students from City University of Hong Kong at “Beyond Matter” Visit

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1a space @1998-2025

T: +852 2529 0087 | E:

Unit 14, Cattle Depot Artist Village, 63 Ma Tau Kok Road, To Kwa Wan, Kowloon, Hong Kong

1a space, founded in 1998, is an independent, non-profit making contemporary art space founded by a collective of Hong Kong artworkers. 1a space presented more than 170 contemporary art exhibition in Hong Kong over two decades.

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