《滴 溚滴》藝術家對談系列: 微語場場
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《滴 溚滴》藝術家對談系列: 微語場場
滴溚 滴 I think it rains
當代藝術私人收藏Burger Collection將跟香港獨立藝術團體1a空間合作,策劃一個為期三年的展覽及研究合作項目,是為Burger Collection的Quadrilogy「四部曲」之第二砲。首個跨媒介展覽名為<滴溚 滴>(I think it...
I think it rains
I THINK IT RAINS Burger Collection is pleased to announce the launch of a three-year exhibition and research project developed and...
Test. Book - Solo Exhibition by Annie Wan Lai-kuen
1a space is proud to present the solo exhibition of renowned local artist Annie Wan Lai-kuen. For Annie Wan, molding is not only an...
書.本 - 尹麗娟個人作品展
自〈A story for a story〉及〈Murmur〉藝術項目後,藝術家黃懷琰將展開另一個延續項目,關於性玩具的交換故事。 藝術家與香港朋友對談當中,發現大部份人從未到過性商店,亦從未購買過性玩具。部份人更沒有想過去購買或知道產品的銷售地點,更未嘗試過手淫。藝術...
Sex Toy Workshop Created by Wong Yim-mar-Mar 22, 2013
Wong Wai Yim, lives & works in Hong Kong & Paris. Master Degree of Art & Post Master in National Art School in France. In 2005, she...
Mid-career Artist Recognition: Know Yourself
While 1a space is known for our commitment to work with young and emerging artists, we also see the need to provide continuous support to...
1a空間與新進藝術家合作的同時,也看到持續支持中生代藝術家之必要,因此為這些一直不懈創作的藝術家提供場地和專業的策展支援,以確保他們有展出作品的機會。本地香港中生代藝術家陳錦成的個人作品展正是1a空間在這方面的嘗試。 ...