【Per/Platform Live Art Festival 2021】
Per/Platform Live Art Festival 2021 13 - 22 August 2021 📍 1a space, Cattle Depot Artist Village Artists: Chen Shi Sen Sanmu, Natasha...

ART TOUR sharing【德國 • 威尼斯 藝術之旅】 – 歐洲3大當代藝術盛宴精華選讀
(Chinese version only) 【德國 • 威尼斯 藝術之旅】 – 歐洲3大當代藝術盛宴精華選讀: 由1a空間主辦,香港浸會大學視覺藝術院助理教授李泳麒為專業導賞帶領的【德國 • 威尼斯 藝術之旅】團隊現已回港。李泳麒將與大家分享所見所聞,包括三大當代藝術...

![Art Critics Nurturing Programme [Open for Registration]](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/fab745_9e6ef4cfa8c9402abfc339314eea4986~mv2_d_2481_3509_s_4_2.jpg/v1/fill/w_319,h_240,fp_0.50_0.50,q_90,enc_auto/fab745_9e6ef4cfa8c9402abfc339314eea4986~mv2_d_2481_3509_s_4_2.webp)
Art Critics Nurturing Programme [Open for Registration]
Please refer to the Chinese version.

Ravel is Art - Europe Art Events 101 Sharing Section
An easy-to-understand introduction on 3 of the most world-renowned art events in Europe with the most relevant masterpieces. A must-go-to...

“E-Pathy City” Part 2
Co-organised by Oi! and Urban Place Research Unit of School of Architecture, The Chinese University of Hong Kong “E-pathy City” is an...

The merging of art and corporate initiatives: The Visual Art Field in Taiwan as a case study- a talk
Since the late 80s after martial law, Taiwan has focused on the development of its economy. Under the cultural policy, which encourages...

A talk by Wu Mail 'Art as Aocial Engagement: Working in Community'
Taiwan-Hong Kong Curator Exchange Programme Official Partner 1a Space Presents: A Talk by Wu Mali ‘Art as Social Engagement: Working in...