Ravel is Art - Europe Art Events 101 Sharing Section

An easy-to-understand introduction on 3 of the most world-renowned art events in Europe with the most relevant masterpieces. A must-go-to sharing with all the information you need before packing your luggage to Europe! Speaker: Professional Academic of the Academy of Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University and active art practitioner, LEE Wing Ki. Date: 10 June 2017 (Sat) Time: 5:00 -6:30 pm Venue: 1a space ► Register: https://goo.gl/M2Psgw ALL are welcomed! FREE ENTRY Special discount of HKD$ 500 for on-site registration for ART TOUR and become a member of 1a space immediately, enjoy event benefits! Enquiries: 2529 0087 / info@oneaspace.org.hk