Recruit : 1a space Gallery/Exhibition Intern (4 Headcounts)

If you are passionate about the arts and literature, and looking for an internship experience during your summer term, welcome to join the 1a space Internship Programme this year to learn about and explore one of the most prominent art projects in Hong Kong. It will be a unique opportunity for current students in Arts, culture and humanities disciplines in obtaining contemporary art exhibition experience in a gallery setting. The Gallery/Exhibition Interns will work closely with the management teams of 1a space and the project team of the House of Hong Kong Literature in August to gain insights in art/literature project development, event logistics, exhibition setup and dismantling, as well as other art administrative tasks.
Internship Schedule:
Application period: now until 1 August 2017
Duration: 5 August to 31 August 2017
*Working dates are negotiable
You will be able to:
gain practical training in curatorial work through active involvement in our exhibition preparations and logistics, while working closely with the team members of 1a space and the House of Hong Kong Literature to assist in exhibition installation and dismantling, opening events, exhibition reception, guided tours and other administrative work of the gallery.
We are looking for:
a fresh graduate or student currently studying art, design, literature, architecture, moving images, art education, museum studies or other related subjects; with strong interest in working professionally in the contemporary art field and a good command of spoken and written English and Chinese (Cantonese / Mandarin);
If you are interested in this internship post, please submit your application along with your CV to 1a space’s email address: with email subject :Application to 1a space Gallery/Exhibition Intern .
For more information, please contact: 2529 0087
Personal data will only be used for application processing. Applicants do not receive any response by 5th August should be seen as unsuccessful.
Data will be kept up to 6 months, and destroyed afterwards.
Exhibition details :
小說是虛構,卻反映更大的真實。從文字符號系統,到視覺藝術的呈現方式,是轉移,也是重生。普遍認為,與文學作品對話的視藝作品以平面佔多;今次文學館邀請到五位本土青年藝術家,根據五本香港知名小說,創作雕塑或立體裝置,願為突破。歷史是怎樣的真實?官方敘事冠冕堂皇,但小說也並非無中生有。在時世的虛無中,藝術還是折射著烏托邦(儘管是碎片)。 參展藝術家: 盧樂謙 ─ 劉以鬯《島與半島》 鄧國騫 ─ 陳冠中《建豐二年》 吳家俊 ─ 董啟章《天工開物.栩栩如真》 李雪盈 ─ 西 西〈浮城誌異〉 劉學成 ─ 陳 慧《拾香記》 展覽日期:8月5日至8月27日 地 點:九龍土瓜灣馬頭角道63號牛棚藝術村1a space 開放時間:逢星期二至日上午11時至晚上7時 開幕酒會:8月5日(週六),7:00 - 8:00pm 藝術家分享會:8月5日(週六),5:00 - 6:30pm 講者:劉學成、鄧國騫、陳慧等 地 點:九龍土瓜灣馬頭角道63號牛棚藝術村1a space 開放時間:逢星期二至日上午11時至晚上7時