Art@Kowloon City District - Together | 飛躍龍城藝彩活動系列 - 在一起

Art@Kowloon City District - Together
About the project:
According to statistics from the Hong Kong Census and Statistics Department in 2010, Kowloon City District has a population of about 365,800, of which about 92% are Chinese , the remaining are ethnic minorities such as Filipinos, Indonesians, Japanese, Indians, Thais and Pakistanis, etc. As compared with the overall ratio of ethnic minorities which is about 5% for Hong Kong, this district has a relatively large group of ethnic minority inhabitants.
To promote and enhance the communication between different ethnic groups in the society, 1a space and local artists will conduct creative workshops for local residents including ethnic minority inhabitants. The workshops will be conducted in Cantonese and English.
About the Workshop:
Inspired by the vibrant culture and languages of the ethnic minority, workshops will explore the Demographic and Social Structure of Kowloon City district by using recycled materials from the community. The workshops will work effectively with other social service institutions in the district serving Ethnic Minorities. Workshops will be divided into two categories: 1) two-dimensional creative workshop (for age 5 – 11) and 2) three-dimensional creative workshop ( age 12 or above). Exhibition will be held to display the artwork of the participants.
Target Group:
Both Chinese and ethnic minority residents in Kowloon City district are all welcomed.
A1 Workshop: 21st October 2017 (Sat), 11:30 – 13:00
A2 Workshop: 21st October 2017 (Sat), 15:30 – 17:00
B1 Workshop: 18th November 2017 (Sat), 11:30 – 13:00
B2 Workshop: 18th November 2017 (Sat), 15:30 – 17:00
C1 Workshop: 9th December 2017 (Sat), 11:30 – 13:00
C2 Workshop: 9th December 2017 (Sat), 15:30 – 17:00
Unit 14, Cattle Depot Artist Village, 63 Ma Tau Kok Road, To Kwa Wan, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Free admission. Entry is on a first-come, first-served basis.
If you wish to enroll, please e-mail the completed application form (Download here / apply online)to or by phone application at 25290087
If the Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No.8 or above, or the Red or Black Rainstorm Warning is hoisted 2 hours before the workshop begins, the workshop will be postponed to another date. Further arrangement will be informed.
The Organizer/Event Producer reserves the right of final decision of the event. Any changes or contingent measures for the event announced by the Organizer/Event Producer and posted on the event’s website shall prevail.
For Enquiries
1a space
Opening hours: Mondays to Fridays 11am to 7pm. Closed on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Address: Unit 14, Cattle Depot Artist Village, 63 Ma Tau Kok Road, To Kwa Wan, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Contact: (852) 2529 0087
Email address:
Kowloon City Home Affairs Enquiry Centre
Opening hours: Mondays to Fridays 11am to 6pm. Closed on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
Address: LG/F, Kowloon City Government Offices, 42 Bailey Street, Hung Hom, Kowloon
Contact: : (852)3691 8181
飛躍龍城藝彩活動系列 - 在一起
計劃背景About the project:
根據政府統計處2010年的資料顯示,九龍城區人口約為3 6 5 , 8 0 0 人,其中超過 9 2 %為華人,其餘為少數族裔如菲律賓人、印尼人、日本人、印度人、泰國人及巴基斯坦人等。相對於全港各區少數族裔平均約5%的比例,本區是一個少數族裔群居較多的地區。
工作坊簡介About the Workshop:
對象Target Group:
九龍城區居民 (歡迎非華裔朋友參加)
A1 工作坊一: 10月21日(星期六)11:30 – 13:00
A2 工作坊二: 10月21日(星期六)15:30 – 17:00
B1 工作坊三: 11月18日(星期六)11:30 – 13:00
B2 工作坊四: 11月18日(星期六)15:30 – 17:00
C1 工作坊五: 12月9日(星期六)11:30 – 13:00
C2 工作坊六: 12月9日(星期六)15:30 – 17:00
地點 :
費用全免/先到先得 額滿即止
電話:(852) 2529 0087
辦公時間: 星期一至五上午9時至下午6時,星期六、日及公眾假期休息
地址: 九龍紅磡庇利街42號九龍城政府合署低層地下
電話: (852)3691 8181