臨時宙域 Cosmic Temporary

聲音藝術表演 Sound Art Performance
Cosmic temporary is an act about sound art practice. Inspired by how celestial objects meet in space, the group is also a temporary formation. The instruments, timbres and methods of each individual performer varies, we are looking for a possible “syzygy”(alignment) in the space and sounds.
Playing sound could be a learning process.This piece requires the 4 performers to play along the composition rules inspired by fortune telling and generative art. Through the performance, the group wishes to explore a new form of improvisation, under the mixture of traditional and contemporary methods. Instruments ready, let the voyage begin!
Limited quotas for performance admission. Registration will be closed when full.
演出資訊 Performances Information
地點 Venue|1a空間 1a space
日期 Date|15.3.2025
時間 Opening Hours|8:00 - 9:30PM
費用 Fee|$150 / 優惠票 Concessionary Tickets $80
聲音藝術家 Artists:
龢wo4 Brian Chu @brianchu_u Sky Kung @theblacksea555 Liz @2izia
聲音工程師 Performers:
Jimmy Lo @j.lo_1_0_2_3
Instagram: @cosmictemporary
藝術家介紹 Artist Introduction

龢wo4 Brian Chu
聲音即興表演者。龢wo4以身體與物件、樂器、噪音回饋及空間互動進行演奏。他的創作靈感來自詩意書寫、田野錄音和日常考察。他通過生活中的聆聽和觀察,以聲音來理解、反思並尋找內心與世界的連結語言。現為香港自發藝術集體「Writing As Method」和「Exit-Entry」成員,樂隊「不平靜水域」鼓手。
Brian Chu is a sound improviser. During performances, he uses his body, objects, instruments, noise, and feedback to echo the space. His creative inspiration comes from poetic writing, field recordings, and everyday observations. Through listening and observing in daily life, he uses sound to understand, reflect, and seek a language that connects his inner self with the world. He is the drummer of Restless Waters, and currently a member of the Hong Kong art collectives Writing As Method and Exit-Entry.

Sky Kung
Sky Kung是一位媒體藝術家、音樂製作人與樂器創造者。作為結他手,他透過效果器營造夢幻聲響,並以樂團形式演出;同時,活躍於計畫《the black sea》創作氛圍音樂,專注於磁帶循環、聲景與持續音。此外,Sky亦以個人身份探索聲音藝術,喜歡研究電子元件與程式碼自製樂器,實驗聲音的另類生成方式。
Sky Kung is a media artist, music producer, and instrument maker. As a guitarist, Sky uses pedals to craft dreamy sounds in a band setting, while also creating ambient music through the project ‘the black sea’, focusing on tape loops, soundscapes, and drone. Alongside these ongoing projects, Sky explores sound art as a solo artist, building custom instruments with electronics and code to experiment with alternative ways of making sound.

Liz (uncle123)
Liz (uncle123) 2006年出生於香港,現就讀於香港演藝學院。她的興趣是探索人類與電腦之間錯綜複雜的聯繫,將混亂的思緒放到眼前。最近在尋找更有趣的故事。她也是@sonicofficer的發起人。
Liz, known as uncle123, was born in 2006, Hong Kong. Currently studying at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. She is driven by a deep interest in exploring the complex relationship between humans and computers, as well as in organizing and articulating intricate ideas. Presently, she is delving into a variety of intriguing concepts and narratives. Liz is also the initiator of @sonicofficer.