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《動作的述說》x 《機動起舞》聯合展覽 “What Movements Can Tell” x “DANCE DANCE EVER!” Duo Exhibition



A statement of tracing musical embodiment

and a playground filled with amusing wonders



Trained in classical music since a child, Larry Shuen has however chosen a different path to the traditional musical system. Now he is rather known as a sound and media artist or the sound designer in theatre productions. Cheng Nga Yan with the cross-disciplinary background, has found her passion in dance and performance in school and stepped her foot in the theatre since.

The two with very different backgrounds came together in the theatre and came up with many unusual and unique ideas from brainstorming and sharing. Through ten months of research and development, the two artists re-imagined the relationship among sound, technology and body; and try to search for answers to their questions: the subtle relationship between audience and performance; the connection between themselves and the art-forms; or the perspectives of viewing bodies as an artist or a living human in the generation when human might possible be replaced by technology at any time.


展覽資訊 Exhibition Information

地點 Venue|1a空間 1a space

日期 Date| 8 – 16/2/2025

時間 Opening Hours|11 – 7PM(逢周一休息) (closed on every Monday)

免費入場 Free Admission

演出資訊 Performances Information

地點 Venue|1a空間 1a space

節目一:《Stolen Ears; Muffled Bell》及《機動起舞》現場示範

Programme 1: “Stolen Ears; Muffled Bell” & “DANCE DANCE EVER!” live demonstration


Date & Time| 8/2/2025,8pm



節目二:《It's not in the music, but it's in the music, or not.》及《機動起舞》現場示範

Programme 2: “It's not in the music, but it's in the music, or not.” & “DANCE DANCE EVER!” live demonstration


Date & Time| 15/2/2025,3pm



Performance will be conducted in Cantonese supplemented with English transcript.


Limited quotas for performance admission. Registration will be closed when full.​​


藝術家 Artists:

《動作的述說》孫禮賢 “What Movements Can Tell” by Larry SHUEN

《機動起舞》鄭雅茵 “DANCE DANCE EVER!” by CHENG Nga Yan

演出者 Performers:

“Stolen Ears; Muffled Bell” by 陳偉洛 CHAN Wai Lok & 孫禮賢 Larry SHUEN

“It's not in the music, but it's in the music, or not.” by 孫禮賢 Larry SHUEN

《機動起舞》現場示範 “DANCE DANCE EVER!” live demonstration by 張嘉怡 Kerry CHEUNG

​監製 Producer:韓詠衍 Hin HON

燈光設計 Lighting Design:賴詠珊 Bie LAI

空間設計 Space Design:陳偉洛 CHAN Wai Lok

製作經理 Production Manager:李佳琳 Nickole LI

攝影 Photography:梁瑋暘 Ray LEUNG

錄影 Videography:許康年 HUI Hong-nin

視覺設計 Visual Design:鄭雅茵 CHENG Nga Yan​​

協助 Collaborated by:1a空間1a space & 牛吉地 ngau4 gat1 dei6

器材支援 Equipment Supported by:現在音樂 Contemporary Musiking Hong Kong

資助 Supported by:香港藝術發展局 Hong Kong Arts Development Council


Hong Kong Arts Development Council supports freedom of artistic expression. The views and opinions expressed in this project do not represent the stand of the Council.

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1a space @1998-2025

T: +852 2529 0087 | E:

Unit 14, Cattle Depot Artist Village, 63 Ma Tau Kok Road, To Kwa Wan, Kowloon, Hong Kong

1a space, founded in 1998, is an independent, non-profit making contemporary art space founded by a collective of Hong Kong artworkers. 1a space presented more than 170 contemporary art exhibition in Hong Kong over two decades.

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